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Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Sep 23, 2013 @ 7:39pm

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We have all had a few months off but now we need to draw a line and begin to get active again. I apologise in advance if this sounds a little dictatorial but I have to start somewhere in giving us a platform where this wonderful crew can shine once more.

So ...

By 29th September at the latest I would respectfully ask all;

Active Players*: To EMAIL me directly to indicate that you still wish to be an active member of DS5. Any players who do not respond will be moved to inactive status.

Players on LOA/ELOA: To EMAIL me directly with your expected return date/interest in DS5. When I receive a reply those on E/LOA will be allowed a further month before being moved to inactive status on 31st October**.

Please do not PM as I might miss it.

* Those who have entered into discussions around the kick-start mission, 'Small Things' are deemed to have already signalled their continuing interest (thank you! ~hugs~)

** The CO and those players who's status is E/LOA but whose characters are still active IC/ are involved in OOC discussions are excepted - you've already let us know you're still interested! :)

moved to inactive status