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Title   Update
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Feb 16, 2014 @ 1:26pm

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Please note, further to update, that the Station date is 2391 and as for all posts, we'll use a temporary Station Day as "SD101" and use the "Intermission" for all posts ongoing.

As the year has moved up,, the first thing you may want to do, is update your bios to reflect the change, bearing in mind the issues we had last year with the Date change.

At some stage during the week, I will be visiting the current saved posts and where I can, I will post them up or delete them for inactive JPs or deleted characters.
If you have a saved post, please put in the title "CURRENT" so I can see at a glance it is in use. Any old ones, can you please delete.

This will be a fresh start so that history can repeat itself :)

Thanks again fro you help and understanding.
