NPCs and Open Positions

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Title   NPCs and Open Positions
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Jun 05, 2011 @ 4:42pm

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While Mark has been updating the player list I have been through the NPC manifest and the open positions list in order to tidy things up a bit and to make it more clear to potential applicants where the vacancies are.

I have cut down the open positions to two or three per department - obviously, an applicant can request a particular position if they don't see it listed. Also, with one or two exceptions, new applicants may also apply for positions currently occupied by an NPC

For those of you who have created NPCs - please could you add a note to their bios saying that the NPC belongs to you, or of you can't access the record, let me know and I'll do it for you.

The following list are NPCs that I have not been able to link to a current player, or else I know were created by players who have left DS5. If anyone wishes to claim or 'adopt' these NPCs please let me know, otherwise I will remove them next weekend.

Strategic Operations
Lieutenant JG Serine

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Yamato Hiroshi
Ensign Phillip Roth
Petty Officer 1st Class Louis O'Flanherty


Lieutenant Varis Hale (created by a former player)
Lieutenant JG Telgar
Ensign Tral Brosarn (created by a former player)

Doctor Otis Harris

Starfighter Wing
Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Ashcroft (created by a former player)
Lieutenant Derek Fredricks
Master Sergeant Andrew Micklin

yInchu' (created by a former player)
Lani Corven
Lahy Sen'shuhs (created by a former player)
Halderon Ziggler (created by a former player)
Natrina Kerran (created by a former player)
Glanf (created by a former player)
Derani Merak (created by a former player)
Romas (created by a former player)
