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Title   Time....
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Jun 11, 2012 @ 12:44am

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A few have asked for the timeline to be moved up, so SD58 is now open up to 10:00.

So what is upcoming...

Engineering - USS Pollux - To be repaired (Lyhse / Freeman / Relma); Communications array to be overhauled and sensor arrays to be narrowed. Shields on teh station are going to be one of the first things that will go down as the entity approaches closer to DS5 in SD58.

Department Meeting: Operations (to be led by Relma) This will involve all department heads and CO / XO / 2XO (About time we had a party as well!!)

Science - Science department is very slow, so we will take it the data rescued by Rushtone will be partially useless, but what we will find, is the source of the communications problems. Full disclosure around Midday SD58.
Flight - Dunham will take out a small wing of fighters and some marines to try and circumvent the extremity of the anomaly, which incidentally, will turn out to be a life form, which doesn't mean to damage or hurt others, but thrives on Micro / radio and any other source....

Security - Communications are a major problem, not just for Starfleet, but every other species on DS5 and the Ambassadors (And civilians) are getting restless and frustrated. Prepare to get sideswiped :D

Medical - As the communications fail, so will other power sources, this will lead to minor bumps & scrapes and of course, the occasional riot that happens (usually inside or outside the BoD)

Civilians - Carry on with day to day life, but expect a spanner or two.

Hopefully, I have covered most bases, but if your stuck, just send me a PM or an email, and I'll do my very best to respond.
I am always available for a JP, don't ask, just start and I'll jump in as always. Bear in mind, I only have about a week before I turn into a Star Wars freak.... and go to the Darkside whilst working on the Olympics.

Keep up the excellent work as ever,
