NPCs & Specialized characters

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Title   NPCs & Specialized characters
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 10:39pm

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As Brady said in the OOC, all NPCs are recurring characters.
If anybody has suggestions, for more specialised areas, between Brady & I, we will gladly enter them in.
I have tried to create a few more diverse roles, but please, the more the merrier :D
also if there is anything you want to see on site, please speak up, we are such a large and diverse station, its difficult to put all the possibilities in here right off the bat, but we can put quite a few here.

I think I have granted all of you the ability to put news items up here, so please, feel free to do so, as this will be an internal OOC.