Awards aplenty

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Title   Awards aplenty
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Mar 10, 2013 @ 6:15pm

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I have started the Awards and will also run a poll on the OOC, for Command, Civilian and NPCs.
Some of the awards are Level 2, so will need to be approved.

Some awards I cannot put through IFS, as we have a few members who have yet to register with Obsidian Fleet so I cannot add these awards to their records. If you are one of them, can you please make sure you are registered on the OF website.

In other news, I was very surprised to hear that DS5 has been awarded "SIM OF THE YEAR" by our peers, which shows that what we do is recognised!

Also, our XO, Louise, won the "XO of the year" and rightly so!

Well done one & all.
