Fun Awards

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Title   Fun Awards
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jan 10, 2010 @ 1:28pm

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I am introducing something new to start from the next mission......
I originally found this on the USS Rook, but it was created by Captain Mark Levett of the USS Eclipse

What do you think?

OK, what are fun awards....

Basically, these are merits of achievements gained through posting.....

General Achievements:

Ultimate Poster – Post one (1) quality post every 5 days for 1 month
Poster Extraordinaire – Post one (1) quality post every 10 days for 1 month
Savvy Poster– Post one (1) quality post every 15 days for 2 months
Post Master – Post one (1) quality post every 20 days for 3 months

Posting Achievements

Home on the Range – Post about your character personalizing their space (Office or Quarters) with a piece of art given or bought on the Promenade.

In Depth - Develop and complete a subplot involving your character over a series of at least 5 posts.

Petals in the Pond - Have your character go though an embarrassing romantic situation over series of posts.

Physically Challenged - Write a post with CMO, Counsellor or other medical staff (At least 3 posts).

Top Gun - Write a post with a Pilot or Flight Control Officer
Warp Cored - Post your character doing something in Engineering.

Eureka! - Write a post with the Chief Science Officer or Science officer.

Alcatraz - Write a post with the Chief Security Officer or security officer.

Elementary - Write a post with the Intelligence Officer
”Tact my good man…” - Write a post with the Chief Tactical Officer or tactical officer.

CoBbled - Write a post with the Chief of the Boat.

Hung, Drawn & Quartered - Write a different post with the Quartermaster, Master at Arms AND any Marine.

Excuse me Ma'am- Have your character visit the Captain’s Office on three separate occasions AND the XO's office (over the course of multiple post) Must have an actual reason for being there!

Merit Awards
Bronze Achiever – Complete 10 achievements
Silver Achiever – Complete 25 achievements
Gold Achiever – Complete 50 achievements
Latinum Achiever - Complete 75 achievements
Ultimate Achiever – Complete 100 achievements

If you have any ideas to add to this, they will be most welcome.
