Future Perfect

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Title   Future Perfect
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Aug 22, 2011 @ 2:54pm

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Hi guys.

I have been playing with a little ship called the Horatio, which has slipstreamed inadvertently through time & space to DS5.

When the next post is up, then you can interact with the crew in any which way you like.
I have tried to give them each a little character and if all goes well, I may even make them a permanent item on the station, as the possibility of time travel back to their own time is not something I want to do right away.

This should help to speed things up a little around here, as we have fallen into stagnation.

Also, shortly I am going to skip ahead two or three days and we will take it as read, that Dorian's trial has been dismissed (or found not guilty which I will leave up to Dorian) and we can move onwards.
Jarred Wallaces' rescue is ongoing and hopefully, we will have also cleared that up, if the Admiral will allow.

And don't forget we have the side mission, "Things Past"

We have 3 possible missions hanging in the sideline, of which 3 main characters have control over.
I will keep you advised.

If any of you have suggestions, then please don't hesitate to send me an email and we can usually work ANYTHING into the missions.

I will also be opening poll in a day or 2, on whether to raise the "Post Limit" on DS5 as some are saying pace is too slow, so then will be the time to cast your vote. Please be sure that you are registered on the OOC (Link above)
