Character Removal

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Title   Character Removal
Category   General News
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 6:12pm

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Due to not having logged in since joining the character of Ensign Anisu Milva has been removed following discussion with Mark. If you are reading, Jenn, you are more than welcome to re-apply when you have time to simm.

From hereon in we are applying the following rule:

All new players are required to log in and write a post or participate in a joint post within your first week of joining. A personal log is also acceptable. This is to prevent being listed as "no posts recorded" for any length of time and encourage you to get started immediately. If you do not log in and post within the first seven days, you WILL be removed without further notice.

This will be displayed on the front page.

We will be actively recruiting a Counselor (Chief, Assistant or otherwise depending on the applicant's bio) who will play a crucial role in the current mission and beyond.