More to work with

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Title   More to work with
Category   General News
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Feb 01, 2011 @ 11:55pm

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Hi folks.

We have some more new members to work with, a Mercenary by the name of Akamu and a new federation Diplomatic Envoy, Cala Lurn.
I am sure that you will make them feel at home.

Akamu is a Telian civilian Mercenary, looking to use DS5 as a base of operations so I am sure that he cold work well with our resident Bounty hunter, James Grayburn, whilst Cala is an El Aurian Ambassador, looking to set up a home on DS5, whilst she tries to find the members of her race that are scattered across the quadrants.
She will work with Lieutenant Mathew Totti in the Diplomatic Department

Check out their Bios and call on them to play :D

Have fun,
