Our first full month begins ...

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Title   Our first full month begins ...
Category   General News
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Jul 01, 2014 @ 8:35pm

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Hey all,

I wasn't joking when I said I'd be imposing the rules - June was a run-in period.

From hereon in, I need to see a minimum of two posts per month from each of you either solo, or part of a JP. The new rules on LOA/ELOA will also apply - whilst we'll always welcome players back, we don't want to block spaces for too long.

You've done an awesome job in June, with only four players not posting -one of you is actively involved in a JP so you're not in the spotlight - the others ... well, you know who you are.

Its not fair to let other players make up the post count.

I've had a hellish busy weekend, and a hell-ier start to the working week (have only got the laundry done this evening) so the full rule revision isn't up yet. The one on the Yahoogroup should give you the gist though.


AKA Isha t'Vaurek
Your local, friendly, marginally dictatorial CO.