Next Mission: Polls now open

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Title   Next Mission: Polls now open
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Tue Aug 14, 2012 @ 5:35pm

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First, thanks everyone for your diverse and creative input. I've tried to formualate a loose structure and to incorporate as many ideas as can be sensibly fitted together.

The proposed plot for the next mission has now been posted to the OOC list.
Please read the post and vote for your favourite off-station location, then vote for which of the Ivor Prime mission scenarios appeals to you the mose.

If you have not joined the OOC list then do so. If you do not join (I'll remind you now that it is a condition of membership!) you will not have any input into the mission as that is where it will be discussed.

Thanks again everyone. I think this'll be a good one!


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer.