New Timeline available

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Title   New Timeline available
Category   General News
Author   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jan 04, 2011 @ 1:55pm

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Hi everyone

Happy New Year!

There is a new timeline for Judgement up on the Yahoo site (PDF) and the same can be found in the mission notes on the main website.

For all you new people, you can find the mission notes either by clicking on the link in the right hand menu, or when writing a mission post by clicking on the dropdown box above the post details. Also for the new people, if you look at the past mission notes, there's a very very quick summary of all the stuff that happened last mission, which may or may not be relevent to the this and the next mission, if reading through 300+ posts is too much so soon after new years eve ;p

I hope you all find it useful