Next Mission - starting 22nd September

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Title   Next Mission - starting 22nd September
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Sep 16, 2012 @ 2:58pm

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Thanks for all the input for the next mission!
Any ideas for a good title?

Mission summary below:

Main Plots

A distress signal is received from independent colonists attempting resettlement of Ivor Prime, location of a former colony devastated by the Borg in 2373.

An away team will be scrambled to assist the colonists, but there is more at stake than a homestead – the `Brotherhood' a fanatical group who see the Borg as a deity are interfering with the efforts of the colonists. Will Starfleet assistance be enough in the face of the Brotherhood’s fanatic desire to acquire and use Borg technology to establish a new un-holy order?

Meanwhile, back on DS5, a distress signal is received from a nearby ship of indistinct origin. A ship is dispatched to the emergency only to find the distressed vessel drifting and the crew have been slaughtered. The ship is towed back to DS5 for a full forensic investigation. Though the ship is quarantined, someone or something concealed on board begins to cause people to psychologically face their darkest

As the phenomenon creeps through the station it begins to impinge on and exacerbate feelings, fears and experiences in the other subplots. Those directly involved in the post-mortem and search of the ship will be affected first but it won't be confined to those who come into direct contact with the vessel.

Main Subplots

Security have kept the presence of a serial killer quiet but rumours abound on the promenade. When an information leak falls into the hands of the Promenade Merchants Associated rumour explodes into rebellion. Civilian outrage erupts as they learn that the facts have been kept from them exposing them to danger – there really is a killer on the run! Can security restore control in an environment of fear and paranoia?

Accusations of war crimes dating back to the Cardassian occupation of Bajor cause ripples elsewhere as the Chief of Operations is accused of terrorism. Tensions rise between the Cardassians and Bajorans on the station as the grip of the psychic phenomenon begins to take hold on reason.

A Diplomatic Summit is taking place. With high-level closed-door discussions between major quadrant powers and Federation member worlds taking place. Will this ground breaking summit that promised to usher in a new era of peaceful co-operation end in all out galactic war as old allies begin to bubble with old hatreds?