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Title   Activity!
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Nov 08, 2014 @ 9:29am

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Morning all,

Its been a slow start to November, so I'm looking at how we can inject a bit more life into the station.

We'll keep the main medical plot until the end of the year after that it will be relegated to a subplot if it isn't resolved - Thom, Charity, I'd like to see a bit of progress on the origin of the disease this month. Liz, your input here as CMO will be crucial.

I will start up the public announcement and promenade visit this weekend. It will involve a visit to sickbay, and then a short speech. I'll be tagging in everyone on this - play your main character or chuck in an NPC - I want to see everyone participating.

I'll also be putting together a plot outline for our next mission that will start in the new year - if anyone has any ideas they'd like to see included, please drop me a line.
