Mission Notes

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Title   Mission Notes
Category   Simm Announcement
Author   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 20, 2010 @ 2:07pm

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I am looking for a volunteer, to keep a tab on the posts using mission notes, so that we have a diary of events.

The job will entail a quick revision of the post with a timestamp and then putting them in chronological order.


SD17 06:05 Is that the time - Krealia gets a warning from Dorain to stay at least 10 feet away. Davies thanks the Medical team for their professionalism. Wallace prepares the USS Montana

SD17 08:05 Arriving on DS5 - The new Chef, Lani Corven arrives and then leaves!

SD17 09:30 Departing - Ensign Petro departs from DS5 to rejoin her Nausicaan mate.

Any takers?

Updated Mission Notes
